Monday 29 October 2012

Top 12 Cancer Causing Products in the American Home

Hi There,
 Just passing on a link for people to click on and to read the blog on what they have to say about the products that can cause cancer that you may have in your homes. Make sure you watch the video on the site as well for more info, about chemicals that are harming your children.  Some of these products are sold worldwide and not just in America.

Quote:-"Among many other cancer causing products commonly found in the home, this dirty dozen list has made it to the Hall of Shame. The Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) and Ralph Nader have released a “Dirty Dozen” list of consumer products used in most American homes, and manufactured by giant U.S. corporations."
The “Dirty Dozen” products contain a wide-range of carcinogenic and other toxic ingredients and contaminants to which most of us are exposed daily.
Link to click:
 Another link to read is here: